Tarot card reading

Sometimes we just need some confirmation and insight into what matters the most to us, perhaps when we are facing life changes, big decisions, or simply looking for clarity on situations. 

Tarot collage

Having an intuitive tarot card reading can help to provide clarity and powerful insight into the answers you need to make life decisions and choices. It is a way of getting support and guidance from your spirit guides and angels in a gentle and comfortable way. 

Tarot card reading mostly focuses on the here and now, reading the present circumstances in your life (rather than fortune telling!) for clarity on questions and decisions and to show you the pathways and options that are available to you.

The aim of a tarot card reading is to make you feel supported, guided and empowered.

Intuitive means reading the cards from a spiritual perspective, the focus is less on interpreting the exact meanings of the cards and more on absorbing the feelings and the energy around you and your situation. The cards act as prompts and tools to my intuition to give you the messages and answers you are looking for. 

I work from various locations across London and West Essex, when you contact me for a reading I will advise of the closest location to you. Home visits can be arranged for readings for over 3 people.

Tarot appointments  

£30 for 30 mins reading in person or by phone 

£25 reading via email 

£10 one question reading